

Shield Services为风险管理工具箱增加了新的模拟器
The Effects of ​Hurricane Florence and Michael on Workers' Compensation


房地产 & Casualty Claim Department is working diligently to provide claims service to our many members who incurred damage because of the hurricane. Our contract CAT adjusters have been working seven days a week meeting our members and inspecting the damage. 目前, they are in the process of preparing estimates and working towards agreeing on costs of damage to covered property. Our permanent staff is also handling claims involving numerous flooded vehicles and equipment.

除了处理索赔, the adjusters are working with our members providing important documentation that assists in filing claims with FEMA. 这是我们员工提供的一项关键服务.

为佛罗伦萨飓风的震级提供参考, the anticipated paid claims for Florence exceeds the combined amount paid in Hurricanes Fran (1996), 弗洛伊德(1999), 伊莎贝尔(2003), 艾琳(2011), 《365体育足彩》(2016). Just like we help members in gauging their own risk exposures, the League's Property & Casualty Trust protects itself through proper planning and reinsurance that kicks in to pay for catastrophic losses and helps keep the fun financially secure.

Hurricane Florence is one for the record books – records we hope last for quite a long time!​

Shield Services为风险管理工具箱增加了新的模拟器

Expanding on our commitment to providing the best possible customer service and risk management resources for our members, the League's Workers' Compensation Trust and Property and Casualty Trust recently purchased an interactive response-to-resistance simulator for law enforcement agencies to utilize in their use-of-force training. 

The simulator adds to our list of law enforcement services that are intended to mitigate claims to the insurance pools while equipping officers with the verbal interactive skills and proper decision-making tools needed to better serve their communities. Our training model will focus on enhancing de-escalation skills essential to effectively respond to an individual who is actively resisting an officer. The simulator training is available to law enforcement agencies that are members of the Workers' Compensation or Property and Casualty Trusts; the League will review and verify that participating agencies' Use of Force policies adhere to the most up-to-date standards and best practices prior to scheduling a response-to-resistance training.

For additional information on the simulator please contact Tom Anderson at tanderson@NCLM.org or 704-517-8496​


随着假日旅行和感冒流感季节的到来, now is the time to remind employees who are part of the League's Health Benefits Trust medical program about TELADOC. Now is the ideal time to set up their Teladoc online account; save time later by completing the health history questionnaire for each covered family member before illness strikes. 

Teladoc医生是美国的.S. board-certified and licensed to practice medicine in our state or any state your employees may be visiting for the holiday season.  他们可以诊断, 对许多感冒和流感症状进行治疗和开药, 如果有必要的话.  当要求与医生交谈时, 他们会问你想把处方寄到哪里, and they even will help you find a pharmacy near you when your traveling.  

Keep in mind, however, that antibiotics aren't always the right treatment. 抗生素不能对抗感冒等病毒引起的感染, 流感, 大多数喉咙痛, 支气管炎, 还有许多鼻窦和耳部感染. Instead, doctors may provide a treatment plan that includes symptom relief for viral infections. 阅读更多关于抗生素滥用的信息 疾病控制中心网站上的这篇文章

The Effects of Hurricane Florence and Michael on Workers' Compensation​

We are constantly reminded of how quickly things can change – in the past several months, many of our members have been forever changed by Hurricanes Florence and Michael. Even municipalities that experienced little to no damage from the storms, 能在其他方面感受到他们的影响吗.

One such effect is the additional insurance expense incurred due to these events. 例如, 额外的工时和加班时间增加了工资, which adds additional costs to your final Workers' Compensation audit invoice. Since there was no way of predicting the severity of these storms and the response required, it's probable that most members did not include any additional man-hours into original payroll estimates. 因此, if you revise your budgets to reflect the additional costs related to the storms, you may wish to include some additional insurance costs due to the increase in payroll.

在加班费的情况下,我们不包括加班费的一半. We only charge workers' compensation on the straight time pay (we include all other pay types) for your employees.

Example: An employee's normal work week is 40 hours for which he is paid $10 per hour. 这名员工每周工作44小时. For the overtime hours (the 41st through 44th), the employee earned $15 per hour. The extra pay earned by the employee for overtime is $20 and is excluded in the premium calculation.

44 hours for the week less 40 hours regular work week = 4 hours overtime

4 x $15 overtime pay less 4 x $10 normal hourly wage = $20 extra pay for overtime

Remember, you originally pay your premium based on an estimated payroll. 一旦年度结束,审计就完成了. 加班费(半场)不包括在内, but the straight time portion of the overtime does increase your total payroll.

如果你高估/低估了你的工资, 保费差异, 如果有任何, 会在你们的工伤赔偿审计时进行调整吗. 如果你没有为今年的额外费用做预算, 我们将在审计时收取额外的工资. ​